I don’t like going to the movies

I may be in the minority here, but I was never a fan of going to the movies.

These days and for the last 25 years or more there hasn’t been anything in my opinion worth even seeing, but even before that I didn’t like going to the movies.

I preferred home video or TV to watch movies. The reason for this is because I have always found that in most movie theaters the heating and air conditioning is either too weak or too powerful! Either way I have always found discomfort from an overblast of heating, too little heating, or an overblast of air conditioning or too little air conditioning. Maybe it’s my body, I don’t know. But that is how I always felt. I was never able to enjoy the movie I was watching from being too cold or too hot in there. Also I hate being in a place with tons of people all around me when I am trying to watch a movie. But more than that it is just simply the random issues with the heating and air conditioning systems in those places. I guess because it is commercial heating and air conditioning in most theaters is why it can get to be too much at times. And when it’s too little it’s them trying to not make the heating and air conditioning be too much. It is just a real hassle to tell you the truth. I have not been in a movie theater in over 20 years at least. In my own home I can have the heating and air conditioning just as I like it!



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