Author: admin

My HVAC van was having problems

My HVAC was having some serious problems and I tried everything to fix it. I am an HVAC technician, so usually I can fix any problem I have with my central air conditioner or furnace, but this time, my central air conditioner was unfixable. I checked the air filters and the coolant and several other […]

Not the best holiday, for sure

Have you ever felt absolutely powerless? Well, I remember having that exact feeling while in the Winter time season a few years ago. It undoubtedly was our own fault – to be clear – because I failed to get the tune-up done for our furnace. I thought just swapping out the air filters always would […]

I hope we stay friends

For a super long phase of time, I lived in a lake house with a bunch of roommates. It was always a highly lovely time with our roommates as the people I was with and I had our own made up ridiculous drinking games & things such as that. Unblessedly, the people I was with […]

Please shell out the cash to fix this

I’ve never undoubtedly been the most skilled when it comes to anything. So when I eventually got a place of my own to live in after I moved out of our parents’ house, I was in for a taxing time. I rapidly had to go out and learn how to keep up with everything around […]