
My husband is really loving our new smart thermostat

My husband really loves our new smart thermostat system that we got last year. We had been thinking about updating our thermostat unit for quite a while, but we had just never gotten around to it at that point. We kept putting it off because, as you know if you’re a homeowner, something else always comes up. When you’re the owner of a home, there are things that need to be fixed all the time, whether it’s your plumbing, an electrical problem, an appliance, or your heating and cooling system. Well, once when we decided that we were going to go ahead and get the thermostat updated, our furnace went on the blink instead. That’s when we had to go ahead and upgrade our furnace unit instead of our thermostat. Last year, though, we finally saved up enough money to get a new smart thermostat. It was the one that we had been looking at for a long time and we knew that it was the right smart thermostat for us. With this type of thermostat unit, you can actually adjust your heating and cooling system from anywhere in the world as long as you are connected to the HVAC app through your smartphone. I love the idea of being able to turn the HVAC unit off and on with my phone! My husband loves it, too. I think the new smart thermostat is actually his favorite part of our house now. I know that sounds silly, but I guess it’s really the small things that mean the most. That new smart thermostat really makes both of us happy.

Commercial HVAC

My wife feels like she has to deep fry everything

My wife is from the southern part of the country and she is a really good cook.

The problem is that she deep fries just about everything that she ever makes. I guess that’s just how it goes when you’re from the southern part of the country. They love to fry everything in lard down there! And even though it smells really bad in my house, I will also have to admit that I really like to eat just about everything that my wife makes to eat. The problem with this is the fact that the smell lingers in our ventilation system for weeks on end. I keep telling my wife that she’s going to have to figure out a different way to cook things, but then she just says that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks or some other weird southern saying like that. I don’t like the gross smells in our ventilation ducts, but I do like the food that she cooks. I think that if we were to get our ventilation ductwork professionally cleaned by one of our local HVAC companies then it would probably really help with the indoor air quality in our house. Of course, then it would probably just start stinking again once she starts cooking up her big southern dinners once again. I guess our best bet is to clean the HVAC system and then install a whole home air purification system to try and keep the smell down. With a whole home air purification system, you can at least make the air smell a little bit cleaner than it would otherwise.


Cooling system

Our anniversary was nearly ruined by HVAC issues

When we went away for our anniversary last summer, our whole trip was nearly ruined because of all the trouble they were having at the hotel with their HVAC system.

I have never had this sort of thing happen to me before, to tell you the truth.

As far as I can remember, there have always been really great heating and cooling systems at every single place that I’ve ever stayed, whether it was a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast. This was honestly the first time that I can ever remember having such terrible issues with the heating and cooling at any place. Last summer, when we were traveling for our anniversary, the weather was really hot. The temperatures had reached record breaking highs and so everyone was really using their air conditioning systems like never before. That was true for us, too. Whenever we were in the car on the way to our resort, I remember having the A/C system in the car turned up on full blast just so we wouldn’t feel like we were melting on the trip there! When we arrived at our resort, we should have known right away that something was up because there were three different heating and cooling maintenance trucks parked right there in the front parking lot by the entrance to the lobby. This was not a good sign, and when we went inside we saw why. The lobby was absolutely hot and miserable. It turned out that the HVAC system in the entire resort was down and there was no A/C anywhere in the building, including our rooms!

Mini split air conditioner

My kids take after their father

My kids really take after their father when it comes to tearing things up.

Yesterday, our son tore up the heating system in our van and I don’t even understand how he managed to do it! The temperatures around here are really cooling down and so we can’t really live through the winter without a heating system in the van.

I don’t know how my son tore up the heating system in the van, but I’m pretty sure that he stuffed something through the heating vents in order to get it clogged up or something. It still feels like the air is heating up back there behind the air vents, but the heating just isn’t blowing into the interior of the car the way that it should be. I don’t even know who to take the car to, either. I mean, when your heating system in your car isn’t working, do you take it to a mechanic or do you call up your local HVAC company to have them take a look at it? I’ve never been in this situation before, so it’s really weird to think about. Of course, my husband isn’t exactly what you would all a Mr. Fix It. I wish that he were, but much like my son, he tends to tear things up more often than he fixes them. I guess I will ask my friends on social media what they would do in this situation. Nine times out of ten, someone will have a solution for the problem for me and I might even be able to fix it myself! Here’s hoping, anyway. I would hate to have to pay an exorbitant amount to fix the heating system in the car, but we have to have one this winter.
multi split air conditioning

Getting a new HVAC system is almost like Christmas for me

I guess when you become a real adult you realize that certain things don’t matter.

I’m talking about fancy cars and expensive toys. Other things, such as the indoor air quality in your home, really do matter! Before this past year, I don’t think that I ever considered the indoor air quality in our home. I know that probably sounds terrible, but it just wasn’t something that I ever really thought about. This past year, though, with everyone talking about viruses and germs all the time, the subject of my home’s indoor air quality seemed to be coming up all the time. I decided that I was going to give our family a brand new, high quality HVAC system for us for Christmas. Well, this seemed like a brilliant idea to me, but of course, the kids didn’t think that it was going to be all that exciting. I guess I understand that, since when you’re a kid, you’re way more interested in toys and things that you can see and touch rather than something like your home’s indoor air quality! But I did what I knew was best for my family and spent a small fortune on a new furnace, a new central air conditioning system, and a new whole home air purification system. Now, every single day when the furnace kicks on in the house, I am reminded of the fact that our indoor air quality is better now than it has ever been. Getting a new HVAC system for our home is almost like having Christmas every day for me!

Air conditioner tune-up

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted a wood burning fireplace

There’s just something about a wood burning fireplace that seems magical to me, almost.

I have loved wood burning fireplaces ever since I was a little girl.

We didn’t have one in our house when I was growing up, but my grandparents had one up at their mountain cabin that we used to go to visit whenever we were on vacation. So I guess a wood burning fireplace always represented safety and warmth and happiness for me back then and it’s carried over to today when I’m an adult with a home of my own. When we moved into our house that we live in now, the only thing that I didn’t like about it was the heating system. It wasn’t that the heating system was bad or anything like that. It was an oil furnace and it did a pretty good job of heating the house whenever we had cold temperatures. It was simply the fact that the heating system didn’t include a fireplace, wood burning or gas. I loved everything else about the house and we ended up buying it, mainly because of the schools in the area. But honestly, not having a fireplace has been an issue for me. My husband knows how I feel about it, and so last winter, he decided that as a Christmas gift, he was going to have a wood burning fireplace installed in our great room for me. It was literally the best Christmas present that I’ve ever received. As I always like to tell him now, the fireplace is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year!


Cooling technician

I don’t know how he is so smart

My handsome husband was ordered to work from cabin numerous months ago, then he hated the plan of working from cabin because he enjoyed his routine at the office, and he didn’t want to make any swings, after a few weeks though, he grew to prefer being at his house all day and night.

He could work at his own pace, make super straight from the fridge, and he had access to his own lavatory… I suppose he also enjoyed how much extra free time he had, however once he was done with his work, he was done for the rest of the waking hours, however with all the extra time he had, he decided to take on unusual challenges around the house.

He detailed his car, planted a garden, and he even washed out the air ducts and every single air vent throughout the house. When he first mentioned the air duct cleaning, I was a bit worried to say the least. I knew the air duct needed to be cleaned every now and then, but I assumed it could only be done by an Heating and A/C professional. I addressed this assumption with our hubby, and he assured myself and others that he’d do it right, but for numerous days, I found him looking into air duct cleaning on his computer after he was finished working, then, he started cleaning out the air ducts. It was a mess, but he cleaned up every speck of dust and debri as he was working. I must say, I was really impressed with our hubby’s ability to pick up on something new about air duct cleaning and then apply the skill so appealingly. I hope he cleans our air ducts forever.

Cooling corporation

Where did he learn this?

My spouse was ordered to start working from home various months ago, he hated the idea of working from home because he enjoyed his routine at the office, and he didn’t want to make any variations! After a few months however, he grew to prefer being at home all day long.

He could work at his own pace, make super straight from the fridge, and he had access to his own washroom.

I guess he also loved how much extra free time he had, however once he was done with his work, he was done for the day, but when it came to all the extra time he had, he decided to take on unusual challenges around the house. He detailed his car, planted a garden, and he even washed out the air ducts and every single air vent throughout the house. When he first mentioned the air duct cleaning, I was skeptical. I understood that the air duct needed to be cleaned every now and then, however I assumed it could only be done by an Heating & A/C professional. I addressed this assumption with my spouse, and he assured me that he’d do it right, however for a couple of days, I found him researching air duct cleaning on his tablet after he was finished working. Then, he started cleaning out the air ducts. It was a mess, but he cleaned up just about every speck of dust and debri as he was working. I must say, I was really impressed with my spouse’s ability to learn something modern about air duct cleaning and then apply the skill so lovely. I hope he cleans our air ducts for a very long amount of time.



Air conditioner installation

I envy my husband

My amazing partner was ordered to job from home several months ago, and he hated the plan of finally working from home because he enjoyed his routine at the office, and he didn’t want to make any changes, however after a few weeks though, he grew to start enjoying being at home all afternoon long.

He could work at his own pace, make lunch straight from the fridge, and he had access to his own bathroom.

I think he also enjoyed how much extra free time he had. Once he was done with his work, he was done for the rest of the day. With all the extra time he had, he decided to take on different challenges around the house. He detailed his car, planted a garden, and he even washed out the air ducts and every single air vent throughout the house. When he first mentioned the air duct cleaning, I was skeptical. I knew the HVAC duct needed to be cleaned every now and then, but I assumed it could only be done by an Heating and A/C professional. I addressed this assumption with my partner on my side, and he assured me that he’d do it right. For several afternoons, I found him researching air duct cleaning on his laptop after he was finished finally working, and then, he started cleaning out the air ducts. It was a mess, however he cleaned up every speck of dust and debri as he was at long last doing its job. I must say, I was honestly impressed with my partner’s ability to learn something modern about air duct cleaning and then apply the skill so charmingly. I pray to god that he cleans our air ducts forever.


Mini split air conditioner

He is always learning

My handsome hubby was ordered to work from home many weeks ago, however she hated the method of laboring from home because she enjoyed her routine at the office, as well as she didn’t want to make any drastic changes, but after a few weeks though, she grew to like being at home all day long.

She could work at her own pace, make breakfast straight from the fridge, as well as she had access to her own bathroom, then I suppose she also enjoyed how much extra free time she had.

Once she was done with her work, she was wrapped up for the day! With all the extra time she had, she decided to take on odd challenges around the house. She detailed her car, planted a garden, as well as she even washed out the air ducts as well as every single air vent throughout the house. When she first mentioned the air duct cleaning, I was not sure if I trusted it. I knew the ductwork needed to be cleaned every now and then, but I assumed it could only be done by an Heating as well as Air Conditioning professional. I addressed this assumption with our hubby, as well as she assured me many times that he’d do it right, then for many mornings, I found him researching air duct cleaning on her computer after she was finished laboring! Then, she started cleaning out the air ducts. It was a mess, however she cleaned up every speck of dust as well as debri as she was laboring. I have to say, I was very impressed with our hubby’s ability to learn something current about air duct cleaning as well as then apply the skill so wonderfully. I hope she cleans our air ducts for a long time.


Cooling corporation