mice chew up ductwork

The last job I was on was strange even for an exterminator.

The family was having a problem with mice getting into the house.

The first step I took was to try to find out where the mice were coming from. I looked around the house and noticed that everything was pretty nice and clean. However, there was clear signs that mice were about. I couldn’t find any mice holes in the wall but I did notice that all of the covers were off of the HVAC vents. I also noticed a really strong urine smell coming from the ductwork. When I crawled under the house, I was easily able to confirm that mice were using the ductwork system to get around the house. I put several traps up and I also put covers on every one of the HVAC vents. However, the mice had chewed up to the ductwork pretty bad. even the HVAC filter was chewed up. I could replace the filter but the ductwork would have to be replaced by a licensed HVAC company. I recommended that the homeowners have their plastic ductwork replaced with metal ductwork. This should keep the mice out in the future. I can’t tell if any damage has been done to the actual HVAC system but the whole thing needs a good cleaning too. I’ve seen a lot of damage done by mice and rats, but this one is one of the worst. It must have been going on for quite some time. I’ll be back out next week to check the traps. I hope to find out a little bit more about the HVAC repair at that time.

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