I’ve spent most of the summer time inside in the air conditioning

I’m a instructor as well as due to students being out of college during the summer, instructors also get some time off.

I always toil during the summer, but our summer time job did not think safe to toil at due to the current pandemic.

I spent most of our summer time in our apartment in our central air conditioning to stay safe. There were some afternoons I wished I was doing more, care about traveling or going out to eat, then however, I knew that I was as safe as I could possibly be in our own house with our air conditioning, however some afternoons I would go outside for a walk, but it was so sizzling outside I kept thinking about going back inside in the air conditioning. Now that summer time is slowly coming to an end, I regret all of the afternoons I felt lonely as well as distraught being at home. I am about to go back to college in the middle of a pandemic in the heat! Although there is air conditioning in our classroom, it is outdated as well as it doesn’t typically work. I will also worry about the safety of our students as well as myself everyday. I will be exposed to 180 students a week as well as I will typically worry if they are spreading the virus as well as bringing it home, or if I have the virus. Although this summer time was actually uneventful I can confidently say that staying house in the comfort of our air conditioned apartment has kept myself and others safe as well as relaxed. I’m sure there will be numerous afternoons in the future when I will wish I was house on our couch enjoying TV in our a/c.

Programmable thermostat