My buddy is going to get a smart thermostat for her indoor air comfort

My buddy Carlie , often complains about how her partner, Justice prefers odd hot plus cold temperatures than her.

Justice is originally from a really hot plus humid temperature plus she gets cold really easily, and carlie is originally from up north plus has a hard time dealing with the hot plus humid summers where the two of us live in the south.

They often argue about what their thermostat should be set to. In the summer, Justice would be perfectly pleased if the cooling system wasn’t on at all. Carlie needs the central cooling system on in the summer time to be completely comfortable. In the winter, Carlie is okay without heat because it doesn’t get really cold where the two of us live. Justice is not okay without the heat in the Winter plus would put the heat on full blast if it were up to him. They just had a baby 3 weeks ago plus their baby, Kaia absolutely hates being cold, just love her Dad. Carlie, Justice plus Kaia are moving back up north in a year plus I asked her what she thinks her heating bills are going to be love in the winter. She told me that she is dreading her future electric bills plus that she will have to make sure she gets extra blankets for her house. I brought up a smart thermostat plus told her how it works. She jokingly said that she will get a smart thermostat without telling Justice plus preset the hot plus cold temperatures. In all seriousness, a smart thermostat would be a fantastic energy efficient opportunity for them to maintain the right heat temperature in their home.


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