Bought portable AC in the middle of the night at hotel

Have you ever been on a horrible vacation before? Unfortunately, I absolutely have.

I can’t tell you how many trips I’ve attempted to create for me and my loved ones that have completely gone down the toilet. It seems like everything is well laid out and every loose end is tied… Until you actually get on the road and start conducting your adventure. Suddenly, everything can go wrong very quickly. This has absolutely been the case when it has come to broken down vehicles, damaged cargo carriers, and especially terrible hotels. I honestly can’t tell you how many times we have checked into a local hotel only to find out that the conditions are completely subpar. Specifically, the air conditions are usually so far. I have had so many uncomfortable nights in hotel rooms without any working heating, cooling, or ventilation equipment. It seems like those little mini split ductless heating and cooling systems that they install in hotel rooms often fail to provide any actual heat or cooling. I’ll never forget the time that we checked into a hotel in the middle of a hot and humid summer only to find that there was no air conditioning in the room. The air was swelteringly hot and oppressively humid. There was no way we were going to be able to sleep in that air condition-less environment. It was so bad that in the middle of the night we actually left the hotel… To drive to the local big box store and buy a portable air conditioning unit. Why not? Just one more adventure.



Help with indoor comfort