HVAC tech is texting the entire time

I must be getting old because I’m at the point where I refer to everyone as “a stupid kid.” to be clear, I’m not that old myself but I feel like an 80 year old grandma at times.

  • When I see all of these children running around, acting a fool I can’t help but shake my head and wonder what has happened to this generation.

I’m incredibly upset about the way that young people have been acting during the course of this pandemic. I’m even more upset at the behaviors that they exhibit every day – like their phone obsessions. Have you ever tried to talk to a young person lately? Good luck, because they can’t stop touching their phone. This was even the case last week when I hired a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control specialist. I had noticed a lot of patchy indoor air temperatures, with fluctuating air quality depending on the bedroom. I finally called out my heating, cooling, and air quality control dealership and requested my normal HVAC technician. Unfortunately, they sent out a child. When the heating and cooling technician arrived at my house he appeared to be 12 years old. He also acted like it. After I showed him to the central heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment I was shocked how much time he spent on his phone. Every 5 seconds I could hear his notifications pinging through the extensive ductwork. After several hours I’ve supposedly servicing my indoor air handling devices, the young HVAC technician reported back to tell me that I owed over three hours of HVAC repair work. Like hell I do, he spent more than two thirds of that time texting his boo.


Cooling and heating business