Electric heater is perfect for me

I own a little shack in a beach town.

What I do for heating is an electric heater.

I love my electric heating system and would recommend it to anyone in a similar situation to me. Larger homes should not rely on electric heating. While the initial cost of an electric heater is quite low, the price tag on using electric over oil or gas is not even close. Month to month the electric would kill a homeowner in a giant house. Also, using the electric heater most of the year wouldn’t be smart either. I live in a warm climate and in a small home. When I turn on my heater, it isn’t often or that long. I love the electric heater because everything is so easy with it. The installation was simply the HVAC company bringing it and plugging the system in. It wasn’t an expensive installation cost or messy. A gas furnace is probably going to give you somewhere in the 15-20 year range. An electric heater is more of a 20-30 year commitment. I like that I am getting quite a bit of bang for my buck. The maintenance on my system doesn’t require a professional either. For gas or oil heating, you need a real HVAC technician oiling, tightening and lubricating moving parts. For me, I can clean the system myself. I haven’t needed to replace anything. If I do though, it won’t be that hard for me. The safety on my system is way better too. No oil leaks, carbon monoxide or possible fires in the future for me.

space heater