My fiance’s promotion caused us to move

I was shocked when our fiance got a truly large promotion at his task last year and the two of us ended up having to transfer basically all the way across the country because of it. I mean, I guess you never truly guess what life is going to throw at you, so you just better go and be prepared for anything that might come your way. That’s how it’s always been in our marriage, anyway. When he got this promotion, they told us that the two of us didn’t have to transfer at first, and but then all of a sudden, everything changed and the position was on the other side of the country in a totally unusual climate! I was absolutely distraught about the fact that the two of us were all going to have to get used to a totally modern climate and temperature for most of the year. We’re from a location where it’s always warm and the two of us don’t ever have to worry about our furnace or a source of heating. The people I was with and I use a fireplace once in a while while in the winter, but it’s more for atmosphere than a source of heating. The location the two of us ended up having to transfer to is always cold and no 1 in this area of the country even has central a/c installed in their homes because they hardly ever need it. It’s just about always cold and you always have to make sure that your furnace plan is performing to the best of its ability. I still can’t assume that the two of us live here! I miss using the in the Summer and I do not like the cold winters.

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