I really love my new smart thermostat system

We got a new thermostat system last year and I really love it.

  • I think it might be one of the best things that I have ever purchased for our house! When we decided to get it, we had been in the market for a new thermostat for quite a while.

The old thermostat unit that we had came with the house and I’m pretty sure it had been there since the dawn of time. It had at least been in the house for as long as the house had been built. It was one of those really old thermostat units that you might see in an old movie or something. It was round and you could actually see the mercury inside of it where the temperature settings were marked. When we first moved in, I thought that it was quaint and that it gave our old house some character. However, after a year or so of living in this house with our really high heating and cooling bills, I decided that it was definitely time for us to get a new thermostat. I had read that newer smart thermostat units are helpful for saving money on your heating and cooling bills all year long. They actually can learn your family’s schedule and adjust the temperatures in your home accordingly. That way, you won’t end up paying for heating and air conditioning your home when you aren’t even there. So far, I really love our new smart thermostat. My favorite part about it is the fact that I can adjust the thermostat from wherever I happen to be, as long as I can access the app through wifi.

