Sometimes you have to do something extraordinary

It is important to live life to the absolute fullest. I learned that lesson when my parents were killed in a plane crash. I was very young when the horrific accident occurred and it made me realize how short life can be. I grew up in foster care with three brothers and eight sisters. I was the youngest person in the bunch. I played sports like baseball, football, and winter hockey. It was fun growing up with siblings, even though I missed my parents a great deal. After I was done with school, I decided to take a trek across the country so I could see all of the landscape and architecture. I learned a lot about life during the experience. I spent a lot of time sleeping in a tent and I was forced to brave the cold air, rain, and hot desert days. I performed odd jobs from time to time so I had enough money for food. I survived on trail mix, beef jerky and water for the first three months. I only stayed in a hotel one or two times when the weather was extremely horrible and I had a couple of extra dollars in my pocket. I remember one of those nights in particular. The outdoor temperatures were in the single digits and I walked for miles to the nearest town so I could stay in a hotel. The hotel had a really nice heater in the room. I turned on the heater to the highest setting and I slept like a baby. The heater was still on full blast in the morning when I woke up. It was very difficult to leave the hotel when it was so cold outside, but I only had enough money for one night.

Dial thermostat