Always fascinated me the different types of HVAC systems in different parts of the country

Having been raised in a military family, I mostly remained aloof towards others.

This was because we were always moving every few years so if you were to have any emotional attachment with people, you were only going to be hurt because you had to move to another location.

It has been an interesting experience being able to visit numerous different places. I learned quite a bit, things that I might not have ever thought about if I hadn’t moved around so much. For example, it’s always been interesting to me the types of HVAC systems people use in different areas. We even lived in a place where we had no heating system, only a cooling system. There was a fireplace in the household, but we never had to use it even once. We also had a few portable heaters in case the house ever did get somewhat chilly in the winter months, but honestly you couldn’t even tell it was winter half the time because it was regularly so warm and comfortable. In the southern part of the country where we lived for a few years, I thought it was cool how we were using a heat pump. It’s cool how the heat pump works to push the heating energy from the home to provide a cooling effect. It’s highly energy efficient too and it’s the most preferred type of HVAC in the South. In the North, things were a little challenging because the winters were so severe. It took me a long time to adjust, but I have learned to enjoy this type of climate.

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