Ductless HVAC gift idea

It isn’t easy coming up with Christmas gifts for my husband.

  • The man literally wants nothing.

He owns or buys everything he wants. I do have one idea, but it is so expensive. My husband built himself a backyard shed. He poured cement footings, created the wood frame, added plywood flooring, cement board, drywall, electric and plumbing. He really has made himself a nice space. He finally has closed everything off and the space is airtight with a door and window. The only downside is that he doesn’t have heating or AC. It isn’t comfortable working on projects without proper HVAC. More importantly, his tools are starting to rust due to the moisture of the southern heat. He really needs to have air conditioning to keep things dry and cool. I have lookedinot options for him and a ductless HVAC unit seems to be the best fit. I know there are window heating and cooling units but they are ugly and not too powerful. I want my husband to have the best. A ductless heating and AC device is really better. However, the installation requires drilling a hole, feeding wiring and tubes to an outdoor unit. I really don’t want to do that installation. Hiring a HVAC contractor on top of buying the actual system is going to be a hefty cost. I know I won’t be getting him anything else for Christmas. I am wondering if this gift will be a happy surprise or will I spend a whole bunch of money for him to be indifferent?
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