Last project to remodel

It is large enough that it actually does require HVAC.

I love remodeling projects. I have gone from room to room in my house and renovating the spaces. I love tiling, painting and moving things around. The last room in the house is the main bathroom. I am excited since the space needs a lot of love. I don’t need to do any major layout changes, but I want all new stuff. My storage unit in the bathroom is too small and ugly. I want to get an IKEA storage unit. My sink vanity needs a better countertop and more storage. I want a new tub, shower controls, shower heads and toilet. I even plan to get new tile floors and tile around the shower area. I am going to spend quite a bit of money in the HVAC department too. First, I want to add bathroom ventilation. I hate the stuffy, hot air after a shoer. I hate that mold grows quickly and the bathroom smells. It makes sense to remove the heat from the home and introduce some fresh air. I also have a ductless HVAC unit in the house. Each room has its own indoor air handler and thermostat. I didn’t think the main bathroom needed one. It is large enough that it actually does require HVAC. I need to get my HVAC technician over to add a unit and a thermostat. It shouldn’t be much money since he is attaching the component to the existing outdoor air compressor. It will be so nice having heating and air in the space. I won’t be freezing cold taking a bath in the winter anymore.



a/c repair