Necessary to update the thermostat

I never thought I would be one of those people that needs the newest tech and gadgets. When I heard about a smart thermostat, I didn’t plan on buying one. I started doing updates to my hallway though. I began by removing the icky brown carpet and laying grey tile down. I sanded the half wood wall and took down the wallpaper. Half my wall is white and the other is light grey. I removed the popcorn ceiling and sand it smooth. Then I started adding new touches. Recessed lighting, silver switch plates, new knobs on the door handles, my hallway looked beautiful. The last thing was the hallway thermostat. It was a beige box with a plastic toggle. It stuck out in my modern hallway. It looked terrible and didn’t function well. I kept bumping the toggle with my shoulder as I walked down the hallway. It wasn’t all that uncommon for the heater to all the sudden turn on. I then would realize I bumped the switch to the 90 degree setting. I got the smart thermostat because there were no buttons, toggle or knobs to hit. It was sleek, silver and smooth so it matched my hallway. Now that I own one, I do love all the features it has. I liked getting it from my phone and getting alerts on air filter changes. I like when I walk by it lights up and tells me the outdoor temperature. It was such a good purchase. Everyone comments on how sleek and classy it looks in my hallway.


heating system