The HVAC wasn’t working at first until I figured out how to change the air filter

Everybody was pretty excited when I told them that I rented a cabin for us to vacation in for the week.

  • We got all kinds of food and drinks ready for the occasion.

I knew the cabin had a fireplace and a wood burning stove, so I thought that would be great. It was powered by the solar panels. It’s a good thing the HVAC system was highly energy efficient because I couldn’t imagine a very powerful HVAC system running off those few solar panels. The electricity worked fine though and I figured if we ever did need the heating system and it wasn’t working, we could just use the fireplace to keep warm. I was going to use that fireplace everyday too for cooking. I had all kinds of meals prepped like my famous beef stew or my specialty chicken dishes. Well, I was disappointed when I couldn’t get the heating system to work at first. I didn’t really expect it to not work. I was messing with the HVAC unit and I tried to see where the air filter was. I finally figured out how to eject the old air filter and it was no wonder the HVAC wasn’t working, the air filter looked like it hadn’t been changed in over a year! Fortunately, there was a box of air filters in one of the closets and I swapped out the air filter. You would think since the air filters are provided, somebody would be swapping them out, but I guess others had trouble figuring out the air filter just like I did. The HVAC system roared to life once that air filter was swapped out and we had a really nice vacation week!

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