Came to learn our HVAC specialist was big into saving energy

I honestly didn’t expect much when our HVAC specialist started telling us about different energy saving tips.

He seemed to be rather passionate about saving energy.

He spoke of how we could all help save the environment by actively choosing to save energy. It wasn’t all about just saving money, though that was a huge plus. It was about creating less pollution. Basically, when we use a lot of energy, the pollution to the environment gets out of control. He even told us how it’s pressing to look into renewable energy sources for less pollution and less strain on the energy grid. He said it would be great for everybody to consider investing in geothermal HVAC systems as well. He said he had one of those and it was the best choice he had ever made. Not only were his energy bills lower than he ever had in his life, but he was not polluting the environment at all! It was all very inspirational until he put me to the challenge. He asked me about my workplace and I told him I worked at an office in town. He asked me if they were open on the weekends which we rarely ever were. That’s when he explained that it would be beneficial to make sure they turn off all the lights and HVAC system on the weekends to save energy! I asked how I would benefit from that, and he smiled and said, I would be helping to save the environment even when asking others to save energy in simple ways like that.

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