Earlier this year I found out I have allergies

Earlier this year, I found out that I have some pretty bad allergies to things like dust, pollen, and mold.

I always knew that I would sneeze and cough a lot in the springtime and in the fall, but I never really thought that much about it until this year.

For some reason, this year, the indoor air quality in my house has been extra bad and I have been coughing and sneezing like crazy for weeks at a time. Of course, I’m not trained in heating, cooling, and ventilation technology, so I have no idea what’s going on in my house. The only thing that I could figure out was that there must be something wrong with my air filters or my ventilation ducts. I thought that there must be something getting inside of the house that was making me cough and sneeze. Prior to this year, I would only have troubles with my allergies whenever I was outside for any length of time. However, this year, my allergies have been bad even when I stay inside my house all the time. I finally broke down and went to one of the local allergists that practice here in town. He told me that I needed to stop the allergens before they get into my ventilation system in the first place. This made a whole lot of sense to me, but I really had no idea how to accomplish it. The doctor actually sent me home with a recommendation for a local HVAC company. He said that they would be able to install a whole home air purification system for me that would help me out tremendously.


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