Couldn’t be less convenient to program thermostat

I feel like every product this day is marketed with ideals of high efficiency and added convenience to your every day life.

People are so consumed with optimizing their time and energy expenditure, that every new item is designed to reduce the amount of attention sent in that particular direction.

For instance, every phone is equipped with talk to text, so we can spend less time typing on a tiny screen. Every apple watch exists so there’s less fumbling around for a phone in your pocket. Every smart thermostat is supposed to practically run your entire HVAC system for your whole family. Well, admittedly I bought into the last one. Two years ago when we had a major AC system breakdown, we decided we might as well update the entire heating and cooling system. At the time, this included adding a smart thermostat to the mix so that we could easily program our HVAC control settings and let the smart temperature control system do the rest of the work. After doing a ton of research online and in person with the help of a professional HVAC technician, I was certain that this new air quality control system would be the key to our energy efficient lifestyle and reduced energy bills each month. I never stopped to think about how complicated it might be to establish the air temperature control program in the first place! From the get-go, the thermostat was non-intuitive. I spent hours trying to establish some basic commands, such as turning off the AC and furnace during the day when the house is empty. Months later, the HVAC still powered up at random times, flooding the house with unwanted hot or cold air. I slaved over the smart thermostat programming without any luck, and was just about to give up entirely when my husband finally took a swing at it. Long story short, I guess I’m the only one who can’t figure out the new thermostat.


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