Air vents are blocked by furniture

Sometimes people really make me laugh.

They get so worked up and start looking for big problems to explain their rather small issues.

This is something that I’ve seen time and time again in my own friends and family, but it’s still always pretty funny. I was recently this was happening with my good friend who couldn’t figure out why her house was so hot and humid every single day. She lives in the South and couldn’t understand why her Central AC wasn’t taking care of her hot and sticky indoor air. She said that she kept in the thermostat set at an easy 72° everyday, just like she did back home, but somehow the AC did not work well in the south. I asked if she really thought that her air conditioner was in capable of operating as efficiently due to the lower latitudes, and she adamantly insisted. I recommended several times that she just have a designated HVAC technician come out and inspect the AC unit to find out if there was a problem with its operations, but my friend didn’t want to spend the money. Instead she continued living with subpar AC in her house and using box fans to create some breeze in her indoor space. I thought this was a strange inexpensive way to keep doing things, but I couldn’t stop her from beating the crap out of her own HVAC system. After several months of hearing about the hot and humid conditions she was living in, I finally went to visit one day. As soon as I walked in her house I was startled by the amount of furniture she had acquired. I took a look around and then had to stop and ask her… Have you considered the fact that all of your air vents are currently blocked by furniture?

new hvac technology