A gas fireplace and a tear in my eye

I feel deflated today after the police told us we are no longer allowed to play our music in the streets anymore.

I just want to play drums and sing and now I don’t know where we are going to practice. This town is supposedly an artistic haven, but when you can’t play your bliss in the streets then where are you to go? I don’t like that we can’t play in the streets, as we have some good crowds having fun, but now what are we supposed to do? I’m just dumbfounded that the local businesses can’t have us play outside while people sit next to furnaces and clap and cheer us on. I guess there are a few unhappy people that don’t want others to be happy so they call the police and try to spread their anger around. The cooling corporation said they would be glad to have us play there when they have an open house for their HVAC equipment that is on sale. I think that is a nice gesture but not being able to play outside anymore just doesn’t sit well with me. My HVAC tech job is still good, but I was making good money playing music in the streets, so now I will have to work more hours doing heating and cooling equipment repair and just singing to myself. I guess it all works out somehow but it is just a bit deflating to know that the police don’t want us doing something that we love and that other people seem to love too. Ugh.

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