Another morning mourning my heating device

Today is Friday and round and round we go. Sometimes life seems to drag on very slowly while other times huge chunks of it disappear without notice. Well, I am in the slow section right now as I sweat from the high temps coming recently. I long for the days of cold nights again where I can sleep without tossing and turning from being too hot. My flatmate has a problem when the system turns on because the air handler is located in her bathroom just above the hanging ceiling, which is a really odd place to put it. HVAC systems should not be in a bathroom because of several reasons, one being that a lot of smells come from a bathroom and if the air conditioning or heating system is running then it spreads the smell to the rest of the home. It is also very tough to change the filter in the unit because you have to remove several ceiling panels to access the place where the filter is. I guess the contractor had no choice but to put the HVAC system above the bathroom ceiling and now we are suffering because of it. I told my flatmate to wear earplugs and then she won’t hear the system turn on but she said they fall out of her ears, which means she isn’t putting them in correctly as they won’t fall out if so. The heating supplier told me about these earplugs when my mini split a/c unit was keeping me awake in my bedroom, which I don’t have anymore sadly.

Heating dealer