
I was excited to be a new missionary

Several years ago I decided I should get out into the world and experience new things, and I was sleepy because of the small town existence that had constantly shaped my life.

I wanted to get out of the country, explore some new areas, and see what the world had to offer me.

I also wanted to do some nice things with my life while I had the opportunity to go travel and change the world; however, that’s when I signed on for a brand new mission with my local church community to build educational buildings in a third world country. I was actually happy at the new hardships and experiences every one of us were going to face… Being in the sizzling and humid subtropical climate of the rainforest was going to be rather interesting after a lifetime in the brutally cold Northeast region of the country. Apparently, I was the only one of us who had prepared themselves for the massive change in climate and air temperature… When every one of us arrived at our destination, several of my fellow missionaries began complaining about the outdoor heat and humidity. They said it felt like they were drowning in the air and they couldn’t wait for the air conditioner at our hotel. The exhausting news was, every one of us were not staying in a current hotel with air conditioner. We were staying with locals who easily did not understand what an air conditioner device was. This A/C finding was so frustrating and trying to several of my group members that some of them quit right then. After just a single night residing without indoor air temperature control in the form of air conditioner units, numerous of the missionaries turned around and got right back on the plane to go home.

HVAC professional

After one day without HVAC, she gave up the “mission”

The bad news was, we weren’t staying in a modern hotel with air conditioning

Several years ago I decided I should get out into the world and experience new things. I was tired of the small town living that had always shaped my life. I wanted to get out of the country, explore some new areas, and see what the world had to offer. I also wanted to do some good with my life while I had the opportunity to go travel and change the world. That’s when I signed on for a brand new mission with my local church community to build educational buildings in a third world country. I was actually excited at the new hardships and experiences we were going to face. Being in the hot and humid subtropical climate of the rainforest was going to be rather interesting after a lifetime in the brutally cold Northeast region of the country. Apparently, I was the only one who had prepared themselves for the change in climate and air temperature. When we arrived at our destination, many of my fellow missionaries began complaining about the outdoor heat and humidity. They said it felt like they were drowning in the air and they couldn’t wait for the air conditioning at our hotel. The bad news was, we weren’t staying in a modern hotel with air conditioning. We were staying with locals who absolutely did not know what an air conditioning unit was. This AC finding was so upsetting to many of my group members that some of them quit right then. After one night living without indoor air temperature control in the form of air conditioning units, several of the missionaries turned around and got right back on the plane to go home.

Whole home air purification

I need my a/c running in the background

For the past various weeks I have been a self slave driver… I have workaholic tendencies that I am not sure how to control yet… Of course, they have taken over in the past few months as I have had nothing to do however rest inside plus stare at screens. It made a lot of sense to kick our productivity into overdrive plus accomplish as much as possible. It seems as if my job is never done between my professional life plus my cabin responsibilities, but during this time of big task responsibilities, I have also had a lot of household complications come up. Most recently, our central cooling plan threw myself and others for a loop when it randomly broke down on me. For the past various weeks, I have been locked in a room with only our thoughts in the sound of our HVAC plan to keep myself and others from going crazy… However the whole time I am now working, I can hear the central cooling units turning on plus off. First, you hear the AC plan itself kicking into gear as the low hum of a motor fills the house… Next, you hear the sound of ice frosty indoor air passing through the vents as the AC plan pushes high quality air through the ductwork. I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in our afternoon hours for the past various weeks… And then one afternoon I realized that there was no sound of the AC system. The cooling component just never started back up like it would normally. Of course, in the middle of all our job stresses I had to take a break to call our heating plus cooling repair shop. I’m not sure I could have continued now working without the comforting sound of that AC component in the background.
HVAC technology

I like the pleasant sound of air conditioning

For the past several weeks I have been a self slave driver, however I have workaholic tendencies that I’m not sure how to control yet! Of course, they have really taken over in the past few months as I have had nothing to do however rest inside and stare at screens.

It made a lot of sense to kick my productivity into overdrive and accomplish as much as possible! Unluckily, it seems almost like my tasks are never done between my professional life and my house responsibilities…

And during this time of sizable task responsibilities, I have also had a lot of household concerns come up! Most recently, my central cooling system threw myself and others for a loop when it randomly broke down on me, for the past several weeks, I have been locked in a room with only my thoughts in the sound of my air conditioner idea to keep myself and others corporation, however the whole time I’m absolutely working, I can hear the central cooling units turning on and off. First, you hear the AC idea itself kicking into gear as the low hum of its strong motor fills the house, then next, you hear the sound of ice cold indoor air passing through the vents as the AC machine pushes high quality air through the ductwork. I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in my day for the past several weeks… And then one day the worst happened… There was no sound of the AC system. The cooling component just never started back up for me. Of course, in the middle of all my life stresses I had to take a break to call my heating and cooling repair shop. I’m not sure I could have continued absolutely working without the comforting sound of that AC component running in the background.

Air conditioning workman

I usually like the sound of my a/c while it runs during the day

I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in our afternoons for the past several weeks! And then a single afternoon…

For the past several weeks I have been a self slave driver, as I definitely have workaholic tendencies that I’m not sure how to control yet! Of course, they have taken over in the past few weeks as I’ve had nothing to do however sit inside and stare at screens. It made a lot of sense to kick our productivity into overdrive and accomplish as much as possible! Sadly, it seems as if our work is never done between our professional lives and our household responsibilities. During this time of important job responsibilities, I’ve also had a lot of household concerns come up; most recently, our central cooling plan threw me for a loop when it randomly broke down on me… And for the past several weeks, I’ve been locked in a room with only our thoughts in the sound of our air conditioning plan to keep me focused. The whole time I’m working, I can hear the central cooling units turning on and off. First, you hear the AC plan itself kicking into gear as the low hum of a motor fills the house! Next, you hear the sound of ice chilly indoor air passing through the vents as the AC plan pushes high quality air through the HVAC air ducts. I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in our afternoons for the past several weeks! And then a single afternoon… There was no sound of the AC system. The cooling unit just never started back up. Of course, in the middle of all our work stresses I had to take a rest to call our heating and cooling service shop. I’m not sure I could have continued working without the comforting sound of that AC unit in the background.

Cooling tech

I was terrified when my air conditioner wouldn’t start up

And then one afternoon, there was no longer the sound of the AC system

For the past multiple weeks I have been a self slave driver, and I have workaholic tendencies that I’m not sure how to control yet… Of course, they have taken over in the past few months as I have had nothing to do but sit inside in addition to stare at screens. It made a lot of sense to kick our productivity into overdrive in addition to accomplishing as much as possible… Unfortunately, it seems as if our work is never done between our professional life in addition to our beach house responsibilities… But during this time of substantial job responsibilities, I have also had a lot of household issues come up! Most recently, our central cooling system threw me for a loop when it randomly broke down on me; for the past multiple weeks, I have been locked in a room with only our thoughts in the sound of our a/c to keep me occupied. And the whole time I’m laboring away, I can hear the central cooling units turning on in addition to off. First, you hear the AC system itself kicking into gear as the low hum of a motor fills the house… Next, you hear the sound of ice frigid indoor air passing through the vents as the AC system pushes high quality air through the air duct. I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in our afternoon for the past multiple weeks.. And then one afternoon, there was no longer the sound of the AC system. The cooling machine just never started back up. Of course, in the middle of all our work stresses I had to take a break to call our heating in addition to our cooling service shop. I’m not sure I could have continued laboring away separate from the comforting sound of that AC machine in the background.

Air conditioner installation

This time, the AC didn’t start up…

For the past several weeks I have been a self slave driver.

I have workaholic tendencies that I’m not sure how to control yet. Of course, they have taken over in the past few months as I’ve had nothing to do but sit inside and stare at screens. It made a lot of sense to kick my productivity into overdrive and accomplish as much as possible. Unfortunately, it seems like my work is never done between my professional life and my home responsibilities. During this time of immense job responsibilities, I’ve also had a lot of household issues come up. Most recently, my central cooling system threw me for a loop when it randomly broke down on me. For the past several weeks, I’ve been locked in a room with only my thoughts in the sound of my air conditioning system to keep me company. The whole time I’m working, I can hear the central cooling units turning on and off. First, you hear the AC system itself kicking into gear as the low hum of a motor fills the house. Next, you hear the sound of ice cold indoor air passing through the vents as the AC system pushes high quality air through the ductwork. I had been counting on these small auditory punctuations in my day for the past several weeks… And then one day… There was no sound of the AC system. The cooling unit just never started back up. Of course, in the middle of all my work stresses I had to take a break to call my heating and cooling repair shop. I’m not sure I could have continued working without the comforting sound of that AC unit in the background.
Mini split air conditioner

Home security systems have improved

There was a time when installing a home security system was expensive and invasive.

Everything needed to be hard-wired into the system.

This required drilling lots of holes and snaking wires through the walls. There was damage that needed to be repaired and the system detracted from aesthetics. All of the equipment was large, heavy and obtrusive. Mounting cameras was not a simple process. Monitoring the performance of the alarms, locks, sensors and cameras could only be done by a professional company. Technology has led to huge changes and innovation in home security systems. Everything is now wireless. An entire residential system can be set up in a matter of hours. The window sensors, cameras, lights and all of the components are extremely compact and streamlined. They take up very little space and yet provide all sorts of amazing functions. Many are voice, motion or light activated and are linked to an app on your smartphone or laptop. At any time, from virtually anywhere, it’s easy and convenient to check up on the house. I can watch real time video of the outdoor or indoor area. I can see who is standing on my front porch and even speak to them. I can lock and unlock doors, turn on interior and exterior lights and open the garage door, all by tapping a button on my phone. Plus, today’s generation of home security systems are virtually future-proof. As new technology emerges, the system can be updated to become compatible. In recent years, home security systems have become more affordable. There’s also the savings from lower homeowners insurance.

Temperature Control System Service

My favorite pop place stopped using air conditioner

My favorite pop place stopped using air conditioner.

I don’t understand why they stopped.

I think it is because they wanted to save cash. I lived out of the country for fifteen years. I lived in Asia for my task, & I loved it. I missed it so much. I had been away for too long, so I decided to take a trip back to where I lived for so long, & I visited my favorite pop shop. I noticed that it was super moderate in the pop shop when I walked in. I was going to get an iced coffee, so I was hoping that it would help cool myself and others off. I tried to rest down in the pop shop & do some studying, however I couldn’t because it was too warm. I asked someone next to myself and others if they thought that it was warm, & they said that it was easily moderate because the pop shop owner decided to stop using air conditioner. I entirely fell in enjoy with that pop shop because it was 1 of the only pop shops that had air conditioner in the area. There were plenty of pop shops around, but they didn’t have air conditioner. This certain pop shop was a bit pricier, & I figured that was because they gave an air-conditioned place to rest & relax, well, their prices were still high, but they didn’t have air conditioner when I went back. I was so disappointed that they didn’t have air conditioner. It was quite angry to rest in that hot pop shop separate from air conditioner.

temperature control

My number one root coors place stopped using a/c

My number one root coors place stopped using a/c.

I don’t understand why they stopped.

I assume it is because they wanted to save currency. I lived out of the country for fifteen years. I lived in Asia for our job, as well as I enjoyed it. I missed it so much. I had been away for too long, so I decided to take a trip back to where I lived for so long, as well as I visited our number one root coors shop. I noticed that it was super sizzling in the root coors shop when I walked in. I was going to get an iced coffee, so I was hoping that it would help cool me off. I tried to rest down in the root coors shop as well as do some reading, however I couldn’t because it was too warm. I asked someone next to me if they thought that it was warm, as well as they said that it was really sizzling because the root coors shop owner decided to stop using a/c. I absolutely fell in enjoy with that root coors shop because it was one of the only root coors shops that had a/c in the area. There were plenty of root coors shops around, however they didn’t have a/c. This certain root coors shop was a bit pricier, as well as I figured that was because they offered an air-conditioned place to rest as well as relax; Well, their prices were still high, however they didn’t have a/c when I went back. I was so disappointed that they didn’t have a/c. It was quite agitated to rest in that hot root coors shop separate from a/c.



gas furnace